
If there's one activity that has become an everyday thing; it is recommendation. We recommend drugs, food, hospitals, restaurants, and even people. It always starts with an experience and then it proceeds to acceptance. If one person praises something, it causes other people to also try it out; finally if it's true then it becomes accepted. So here's my recommendations to you; God first in all issues, believe  and appreciate yourself, never doubt what you are good at, be good to people but don't try to please them, let your happiness depend on you and above all cherish every moment of your life. 
I once told a friend of mine that he had amnesia because he couldn't remember the good things he had done for me. I hold the memories he has forgotten so I would forever be grateful. It's either most people have amnesia or they easily forget. How long has God existed? How many things have you heard God do? Which of them is beyond your understanding? Do you think His power is failing? Do you think He can ever be replaced? When you forget his greatness then all would be lost, just don't forget that he can and will; in His own time.
A wise woman once told me that,the end counts but make  sure your journey doesn't hurt others while you think of only the end.Everyone wants the best there is to get, we all deserve to enjoy life but as you try to achieve them, don't be greedy and selfish. You have the right to get all you need and want but know where that right ends; don't infringe on other people's rights.
The initial steps of every journey. Do you remember your days in KG? What of your first day at work? How about the first day of marriage? And the first money you dropped in your savings box? Those initial periods are filled with such immense enthuse but half way through, we grow weary. You get tired and you don't think you can move on; most people start the journey but never complete it. The Christian journey is a bitter sweet one, once you start it; you would have so much confidence and get support from others. The problem is somewhere along the journey, weariness would await, enemies would attack, friends would disappear and hope would be beyond reach. This is when you need to remember the initial step, you should know that you took those steps for a reason. It's the end that counts so make yourself proud by holding on till the end of the journey.
Life is all about waiting. When you have a job interview, there's a need to wait. When you need a court judgement; there's a need to wait. You await exams results. She wouldn't just say yes to a marriage proposal; you would have to wait. When cooking, there's time to wait for it to be ready. Basically an aspect of life is about waiting, so why can't you wait for God to make his move. God has a time for everything, nine months for a baby, 356 days for a year, 7 days for a week, 24 hours for a day and 60 for both minutes and seconds; doesn't that say a lot about God's own time. Time doesn't adhered to anyone but God so relax, it's not too late; after all, he made time.
Can you forgive me? People always ask that question. The reply could be, I can't or I would but I can't forget it. What does it take to forgive someone? A lot. Some people can choose to over look crimes committed against them so they need not forgive; such people have gotten use to the crimes so they luck a heart to forgive. Father Lord, please forgive me of my crimes; I've said that a lot of times and yet I keep on  committing them. Hasn't God grown weary of our cries for forgiveness? I can't tell but I know that till the grace period is over, he would forgive. If you regret your actions and return to him, just like the prodigal son; you would be accepted again.
A baby develops in an amniotic fluid, getting all it needs through the umbilical cord; it comes out when it is old enough to embrace the support of the outside world. Man lives on earth, getting everything from it but when man moves out of it, he has to fend for himself. When you are under the shield of God, he provides all you need but when you leave  his care; like a man in space, you would have to provide for yourself. It's always safer to be under his care since you don't even know what would happen in the next second.