
Showing posts from March, 2020
What's the similarity between  pottery  and human beings?  Both are made of clay and they are also molded. And the difference? Humans have breath of life in them while pottery does not. Pottery is baked in order for it to harden. Humans are tested and tempted in order for them to be strengthened. When you are tested, you improve upon yourself but when you are tempted; you sin. Through the tests, you demonstrate trust in God. Well.... Everything you go through builds you up; you only need to trust God.
What do you believe in? How do you know that things would work? I base on experience but most times i just believe. How did you know that fire could cook food? Experience. How did you know that you would make it through out the day? Believe. Scientist believe in a cure because of their numerous tests that have succeeded. People submit themselves to God or a god because  experience has proven it worth it. Scientists would always conduct experiments because they believe in proven hypothesis. What should Christians do? Has God not proven beyond doubt that he is able? Why can't we just believe?
Slow and steady wins the race. If a tortoise and a hare should race, who do you think would win? There's no doubt it would the hare but it's been proven otherwise.  In reality, a couple of people organized a race for a tortoise and a hare, the tortoise won while the hare was being distracted by the crowd. We get  distracted all the time, sometimes we recover but at other times we don't. Distractions are necessary when you are stressed with life's issues but when you are suppose to be focused; they are bad. We all have one focus; fulfill our purpose in life so please don't get distracted  or you would live the rest of your life with regrets.
Why did God? Why did he take his time to mold man and breath into him? Why didn't he just name all the animals? Why didn't he just create Adam and Eve at the same time? Why did he warn man to stay off a fruit he knew man would eat? Why didn't he just give Noah a built ark? There are so many whys. He is a mystery you can't unravel. He took his time to create man, out of love. He gave man the task to name animals because he wanted  man to be knowledgeable. He created Adam first in order to get Adam well established and prepared,  before receiving Eve. In the garden, He gave us a choice to obey or disobey him. Noah had to work for the ark because there was a need for evidence of His miracles. He's always going to be mysterious, you don't need to understand; just believe and trust him.
When the boat was sinking he was asleep. He was right there in the mist of the fear and panic. He only acted when they woke him up. When we encounter troubles and fear and panic grip us; he would be with us. He would only act when we call him.
Don't judge God based on what you see others go through. He doesn't need a man to be the God he is. Everyone has a different experience with God, how can you tell what God has done for someone? Focus on your life, serve God if you want to; He would still be God. In this world, it's you and only you and God.
No one needs to tell you that it would end soon. Perhaps, your life would get better, your situations would improve and you might get all your heart desires in some time to come but that doesn't mean that the world would exist forever. Nobody knows when it would all end but you know, and I know that it would. When that time comes, there would be only one refuge, God.
Do you know what is fun? Movies! People jumping from heaven to earth, monsters flying spaceships, people with supernatural powers, children growing up in a day etc. That's what I call easy fun. Guess what work is? Behind the scenes. Do you know how many days it takes to produce a movie? How many times the actors rehearse in order to get their lines right? But I guess we all don't care, it's their work and our source of happiness. That's the two sides of the coin, one would suffer for another to enjoy but it won't always be like that forever. We pay  the actors so at the end of the day, they also get to have fun with our money. Know that you shall one day reap the fruits of your hard labour.
In the land of the wild, territories can be lost. When a lone lion ventures into the territory of a pride of lions, he can challenge the leader. The leader of that territory would accept the challenge and fight the intruder. Whoever wins the battle would chase the loser out of the territory so when the intruder wins; he would become the new leader, and the other lions in the territory would have no option but to accept it. Your life is your territory, someone can also challenge you and take over. It's your life so in all your dealings make sure that you don't lose it to an intruder.
One of the movies which still keeps me glued to my seat is "Lion king". Allow me to remind you of the plot. Scar formed an alliance with the hyenas in order to  kill Mufasa; the king. He succeeded and even drove Mufasa's son out of the land. After growing up in another land, Simba returned to take his rightful place as king. The scene I enjoy watching is when the Hyenas killed Scar because they realised that even as a wicked lion, he was two -faced. Scar was just a blood thirsty lion who went the extreme to get what belonged to his brother ; people like that exist. They would smile in your face and plot your destructions in your absence. In this life of ours, you need to be cautious.
There's a tree in my neighborhood which had shed all its leaves due to the drought. It stated raining yesterday, guess what? The once  leafless tree has grown new brightly coloured leaves on every single branch it has. In two days, the tree has returned to it's old glory. All the tree needed was rain, what do you need? Have you also lost your strength? Have you lost the zeal to move on? I believe that all you need is faith; as small as a mustard seed. Believe that all your efforts won't be in vain.
I still haven't read about the theory behind the contagious yawn. When you see someone yawn, involuntarily you yawn too,why?  It's contagious, right? I believe that there are other things that are contagious too; laughter, tears, anger, etc. You must surround yourself with good vibes because they are contagious.
 Who is to blame? I won't take the blame and you sure wouldn't so at the end of the day; the issue is left unresolved. I know that it can be difficult to take a blame but it doesn't cause any harm when it is done. If I place a glass on a counter and you mistakenly push it off and it falls; who is to blame? Truthfully it's both of us, I shouldn't have left it there and you should have been more careful; it should be made very simple. Once you start taking blame for your problems you would learn a lot and perhaps find solutions to them.
Phone usage has restrictions. When driving, when working, during church hours,etc. Why should phone usage be restricted? For safety sake, for better concentration, etc. In the United States, highway signs pop up to remind drivers of special cell phone zones where they can pull off the road to safely talk and text to their heart's delight. Prayer has no restrictions neither does it have a formula. All it takes is a believing heart and some words. Prayer is also not seasonal, you could store them for future benefits. You don't need a zone or account to pray into; all you need to do is continually pray and believe.
Do you know that sometimes someone misses your presence? You, yes you. You may look than upon yourself and think nobody values you. That's because people only realise how important you are in your absence; the moment you are around they forget how  much you mean to them. Just your smile is enough to make someone beam. You may not know how much impact you have on someone but I just want you to know that your presence is all someone needs to keep moving. Just be you.
Elephants are obviously the biggest mammals on land. They are so big, it takes twenty - six months for a baby to be fully developed and brought to the world. With that  much weight they carry, should they be able to run? You should try racing with an elephant. They can run when the need arise and they would trample on anything that trends on their path. You see, sometimes everything boils down to your determination. If you are willing to do it then you can and like a running elephant; nothing should be able to stop you.
One man's meat is another man's poison. In seeking for solutions, we mostly compare our problems to other people. I felt dizzy and decided to sleep and  I felt better after a while. You might also feel dizzy and decide to sleep because of me; knowing very well that it's hunger that is causing your dizziness. Obviously, your situation would get worst. One thing you need to note is that there's no formula for living, what might work for me may not work for you; it's quite the norm. You don't always have to follow the crowd, find your own solution; you know what's best for you.