
Showing posts from February, 2020
One man's meat is another man's poison. In seeking for solutions, we mostly compare our problems to other people. I felt dizzy and decided to sleep and  I felt better after a while. You might also feel dizzy and decide to sleep because of me; knowing very well that it's hunger that is causing your dizziness. Obviously, your situation would get worst. One thing you need to note is that there's no formula for living, what might work for me may not work for you; it's quite the norm. You don't always have to follow the crowd, find your own solution; you know what's best for you.
How much time do you have? Don't you have a lot of things to do? How long has the list gotten since you started making plans? How we wish to complete all our tasks and yet we postpone things everyday. I know for a fact that there is no need to rush in life but you can't always postpone things. It's not easy to get things done; but if you would start today, you could finish someday. Quit postponing things that can be done today.
I would like to make things clear. Humans were made in the image of God, right?  When you wish to see a king, doesn't he attend to one person at a time? Pastors also attend to one person at a time, right? God sees us all and hears us all at the same time, how does he do that? And what amazes me is that he gives us our daily needs without mixing them up. He's everywhere but no where and to top it up; he sees what's in our heart and mind. What other prove do you need? He's the only genuine friend you could ever have because he knows everything.
Are you a fun of war movies? I sure am. What I've noticed is that one bullet can kill a minor character but it would take bullets and stabs to kill a main character. Aren't they all human? The main character plays a lead role so he would only be killed after he has fulfilled his purpose. In your life, you are the main character so you must act as such. Don't die each time you face trouble, people are looking up to you like the main character you are; so keep fighting.
When a seed is planted, the future holds its glory. We plant because we want to reap but what if the tree never bears fruits? It could be cut down and  replaced. What if it serves as a source of shade during sunny days?Then I guess we could allow it to stand. If a tree doesn't bear fruit and doesn't provide shade or shelter for animals, it's purposeless. Man is born to grow, fulfill a purpose and enjoy the glory but if man ends up like a purposeless tree then what do you think would happen to man?
We all want what's best for us. In everyone's dream there's absolute happiness and pure joy but in reality, we all know what's going on. Sometimes we wish to have what other people have because it looks like that's what's making them happy. It's good to live a good life, it's good to have all you ever need,at your disposal. Well, don't stop trying, don't stop working towards that dream, if it fails; find another way round it. Above all be focused and pray .
Everything has a cost. Nothing is free under this sun. You would have to pay for what you want; in kind or cash. There are quite some things that we get for free but believe me,you paid for it without knowing. There's one thing that I know has been paid for; our lives. God has paid for our freedom from sin and that is by far the most expensive price ever paid  years ago and in some years to come. If you ever think, you are not worth anything; know that someone paid the highest price just so  you could be free.
Do security men sleep? What is their purpose? They are suppose to guard places and yet  they fall asleep so how are the places being guarded? Do you know of anyone who hasn't slept in a week? Well, I for one, know someone who hasn't slept since his existence. He has never even dozed before and yet he lives. Imagine if that man is the one guarding you; you would have nothing to worry about. You certainly need a guardian who doesn't sleep or even doze.
We all have friends; good ones and bad ones.  Some may be always there for us but at the end of everyday; we are left with our thoughts. What  company  never leaves? Friends certainly leave when the time comes for them to. As you battle with your thoughts on your bed, who would be there to help you through. It's possible that we might have a friend, who would even walk through the storm when we need them but that won't be forever. There is one company that never leaves;  God.  He's always going to stand by you as you battle with your thoughts.
What is there to be amended? You know yourself more than anyone. You know what you should stop doing and what you should start doing. "It's easy said than done", it's your slogan because you haven't been able to amend what there is to be amended.  You know them and only you can amend them. It's going to be easily done when you start doing it.
Trees would always be available, would they? I think trees can be available for a longer period of time than any other living thing in existence. "I would always be available for you"; is that a hundred percent true? We all need each other, right? But what if the moment I need your help; you also need mine? It's obvious that we would feel each others absence. We could sometimes rely on each other but there is someone who would always be available.
What is the purpose of a table? It can serve as a place for eating. It can be used as a store place for things; one could also sit on it. What is the purpose of a chair? One could sit on it for relaxation. It could aid in reaching higher heights. Things could either  be hanged or put on it. Someone's use for a chair and a table could be limited to serving  as a dinning place and only that. While for some people, they would be used  multi purposely. Don't limit God's power, he is a multi purpose God. Don't restrict him to just a provider of solutions; just as a table and a chair could be used for many things aside a place of eating. God is limitless.
An architect always draws a plan for a building. Why do they go through that stress? Can't they build without a plan? A building plan is as important as the building materials. With a plan, the workers all get in line and ensure that the building is well structured. When the workers refuse to go according to the plan, then there would be a fault. So first of all, your life has it's plan by the architect and you as the worker have to follow it or your life would not be well structured. Don't forget that, the architect supervises your life but at the end of the day; you are the one working on your life.
There once lived a king who ruled his people. He was generous  but his people disobeyed him. He decided to overlook it and forgive them but they kept doing it. Then he decided to punish them; each wrong act attracted a punishment but things didn't change. Then he decided to live among the people and help them change their bad ways. We all live with this king now, are you going to change or are you going to watch his efforts go down the drain?
When you walk to the edge of a cliff; it's either  you jump over it or you walk back to the very beginning of your journey. This is how suicide takes place. When some people make it to the edge of the cliff in their lives; the options are to start life again or give up by jumping. Some of them don't have the energy to start, whiles others don't believe that going back can be any better. One thing they never know is that after the jump, there's a new beginning of regret. A world where they can't do anything better for themselves; a world with no more cliffs to jump. If you are still standing at the edge of the cliff, keep one thing in mind; when you jump, it's not the end. It's only the beginning of torture.
How long did it take to find a  needle,  you had dropped  on the floor? For my ladies, how long does it take to find an earring dropped on the floor. Imagine looking for a needle in a hay stack; you might as well get comfortable, because it's going to take a long time. When you lose a valuable thing in life, it's difficult to get it back. Appreciate every little thing that comes your way, it might not be of benefit now but it sure would be in future. Remember that it is difficult to retrieve things you have lost.
Getting into the wrong place can be a hindrance to your progress. Imagine a lion walking into a rabbit hole; it may be possible but not without stress. Somewhere along the line it might get stuck. After the lion has managed to free itself it would give up the hunt because it is exhausted. when you enter the wrong place,it's either you come out or you don't and when you do; it becomes difficult to move forward because you have been weakened. Be mindful of the places you enter.
I wish to be a kid. It's a carefree stage in human life. You can attest to the fact that babysitting is stressful but they don't really see the point in the things you do for them. They laugh when you are angry. They cry when they are hungry. They don't have any burden; they are like balloons. They would soar high into the sky if you allow them. When all seems lost; act like a kid and you would be fine.
We all want more than we already have. We focus on things we think are best for us so we don't  appreciate what we have. When you always yearn for a table and you have a chair; it's obvious you wouldn't appreciate it. This is  because, you don't have what you think is best for you. Our expectations are what we think are better for us but God gives us what's best since He made us and He knows best.
Truthfully, there are some situations that you wouldn't have control over; I guess it happens once in a while. The easiest solution we find is complaining and  whining ,we all develop that  attitude. Complaining only serves as a reminder that the situation you find your self in ,is more than you can take,complaining only weakens you. It breaks you and leaves you vulnerable; that is when you go beyond boundaries to resolve you issues. complaining doesn't solve problems ,it makes them bigger.
Letting go. Some things may seem useful but literally they are setbacks. When gold is extracted from the ground; it is refined before it's put to use. Why is that so? After all it's gold. Holding onto so many things only prevents you from focusing on relevant stuffs. Some things we hold on to are like cobwebs; they only keep us busy. Let go.