

 When there's going to be an examination, students can be fortunate enough to have their teachers show them the topics they should read. As a student, you can decide to read the said topic and more, or not follow the teacher's advise.   Proverbs 3:5 says to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding. This text can be compared to the topic that a teacher would give to his students for his or her exams. The difference between these two teachers is that man can have a change of mindset but not God. The teacher can decide to include more topics or even present a different set of topics but God's words would always stand. God's words never change. Now it's up to you the student of life, to decide to obey God's text or not.


 Jesus Christ was raised up by God but before we even consider that, the Bible says it was impossible for death to keep it's hold on Jesus. It was impossible! Death had no power over Jesus, even though He was in it's domain, it had no power over him! First of all, why did Jesus Christ have to die? Wasn't it for our sake? Even after carrying the world's sin, death couldn't keep it's hold on Jesus, then it should also be impossible for it to keep it's hold on you. With that in mind, it's obvious that we shouldn't endure any spiritual bondage. We can break free if we understand that it has no power over us and call to God to help us break free. 


 What you are not told is that being born again is not a bed of roses. So once we were all born into sin but under grace we have the opportunity to become born again. Being born again is the acceptance of Christ Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour and believing in him. The initial stage of being born again is quite a lovely experience but later comes the attacks and troubles. The sinful part of you didn't die, allow me to remind you. It comes back to hunt you, entice you to go back to your old sinful ways. That is the most difficult part of the christian journey. Unfortunately that stage would last very long, it would drain all the energy in you but if you are able to stand your ground, then you would grow stronger in God. This process is going to be frequent throughout your christian journey but each time you survive it, you are bound to grow stronger and you would be rewarded. 


 Have you ever searched for a lost item before? Was it stressful? How valuable was the thing you lost? We all misplace things once in a while but the tendency to even remember it and look for it depends on how valuable the thing is. If it's worthy then it has to be found no matter how long it takes. It is written in Luke 19:10 that 'The son of man came to seek and to save the lost'. Christ came to seek and save the lost, why would Jesus Christ be interested in the lost? It's because the lost is valuable to him. He doesn't just care for the saints, he cares for we that have fallen into sin. All I can say is that we are all valuable to God, he is still seeking and saving the lost so don't be left out.


 Lions are carnivores but did you know that they sometimes munch on grass? Lions hunt, kill and feed on their prey. It's a daily routine. If lions are flesh lovers, why would they feed on grass? Lions may eat  grass if they have an upset stomach. Eating grass causes irritation to their stomach which in turn causes them to vomit. Just like lions have a routine of hunting, It's easy for us to rely on people day in and day out, we work hand in hand so it's only normal that we go to others when we need help. People may not always offer the help we need, this is where we should ask God to assist us. God would certainly use other people to help you so try praying when people fail you. When God grants you favour, no one can withstand it. 


 Every university is built to suit a purpose. If it majors in the  science field, it would be built to cater for the needs of science students. If it is purposed for law, it would be quipped with the necessary requirements to facilitate  sound studies. And if it is for creative arts, it is sure to have the necessities of the field.  The university authorities can never tell a morally good or bad student from the names they receive so they just admit those they have to. The intent of the authorities is to admit students not armed robbers or law breakers but they normally mix with the crowd. God intended the world to be a perfect place to live but why is the world a horrible place now? It's the people who dwell in it! We made the world cruel! The damage can be reversed if we the people change. 


 I've heard different stories concerning the after life. Some say that after death, there's a new world in which the deceased goes to start a new life. Others say that the period after death is a waiting one, towards judgement day. Some even say that death is the final stage of a man's existence. Which ever be the case, we would never know till we die. And when we die, those living would also not know so it's best if we all prepare ourselves for whatever awaits us. It's best to serve God when alive and find out that He doesn't exists when you die, than to die without serving him and find out that God exists.