

An egg is one of the delicate things on earth. It's just a liquid in a soft shell. You can either carry it with Care or carelessly. One unfortunate thing about eggs is that once it falls; it loses it's value. Life can be likened to an egg, if you take it a day at a time then you are carrying it with care but the other way round and, you would lose it. Life would be tough and you could be like the liquid in the egg or the shell of the egg; each way you would be vulnerable. You can fall to the bottom but don't break, don't let the harsh words of others belittle you, don't give in to the influence of other's life and don't rush. Trust me, the best you can do for yourself is to take one day at a time.


The business trend of this generation is network Marketing. Network Marketing is a business model which involves partnership towards the promotion of a business idea. As partners in a network market, commitment is the key to a successful business.  As humans we are members of the network of God. How committed are we to ourselves and others? How about towards the kingdom of God? As a family of God, are we all promoting the kingdom of God? The kingdom of God is a place of rest, a place where we get to go after our journey on earth has ended; it's meant for all of us .As marketers of the kingdom of God we need to be committed and supportive if we want to succeed. We need to build a strong network such that no one is left behind.


 One thing is for sure your happiness lies in your hands. Stress has become a part of us but it doesn't mean it should curtail your happiness. Smile, laugh and let those cheeks feel the heat of your joy. You see people and get jealous because you feel they are the happiest in world. Who would wanna post their sorrows on the net? People do that when they need help or attention. Now let's focus on you; you are good enough for yourself and if you can't make yourself happy, nobody can. This world is cruel but it shouldn't dictate things for you. We all got problems and most times we are the problems. If you ain't happy it's because you've assigned people that job. Take those happy memories serious, during those sad moments remember the happy ones and smile. This world won't change for you so please happy yourself


 It's so nice to put on a white outfit. In as much as I love it, I hate how vulnerable it is to dirt. White is bound to get dirty no matter how careful you are. Man and sin can be likened to white and dirt. To tell the truth man is born into sin and all the days of his life he is bound to sin. During Israel's journey to the promised land, God kept instructing them to purge the evil from their mist. God hates sin, that's why when we sin we fall short of His glory. Since it's necessary for us to be under His grace, he provides a way for getting clean. Ask for forgiveness and stay away from sin; it's very hard but if you try, God is bound to help you.


God created everything He should and gave them to man. Since then other things have been made by man, some good and some bad. The devil is another crook thing, he steals, kills and destroys . The devil has no better purpose for anything so he turns them into weapons. These weapons are used against man so it's that simple it's either you join him or he works against you. The devil can turn anything such as wealth, knowledge, fame, love, alcohol, people, etc. into a weapon if he wants to. He wants to populate his kingdom so he would give all he can to accomplish it.  It can be possible or impossible depending on you.


  You don't seem to notice anything when you are in a rush. Have you ever run in a crowded area before? How about speeding? One thing is a fact; you would hardly notice anything. Rushing in life results in the same thing. Sometimes you just want things to happen as you wish, it's quite normal since we all want what's best for ourselves. But wait! Did you decide the date for your birth? How about the family to fall into? How about your growth, did you decide how to grow? Do you know the number of hairs on your head? Absolutely not! Actually even at a slow rate; you can't predict the next event; how much more in a rush? If you rush in life, you would miss a lot of things and crush. Take your time, if things aren't going well; pause and examine your life.


It's very difficult to trust anyone at all. In the world of business, proof of one's loyalty is very necessary to facilitate smooth business transaction. Would you inquire of someone's loyalty from the person? Nobody would! You are bound to ask from different sources. Proverbs 3:5-6 advises us to Trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding; in all our ways we should acknowledge Him and He shall direct our path. That's enough proof to trust in God. Right ? It's God's word so you can trust it.