

 Life can be as silent as the night or noisy as the ocean or perhaps in between. Well ...... When your life is silent,it's easy to catch a glimpse of everything (sound, movements ) but when it's noisy you become deaf and blind. So many things can make your life noisy ; only you are aware of it. Being in the middle may be better but it's better to be on the safer side. 


 Lemon is very sour. It's good to drink it when you want to speed up digestion of fat. I normally add it to warm water and take it as fast as I can. The longer you keep the lemon juice in your mouth, the sour it gets. Life can be sour sometimes, too many problems and burdens. We hold on to a lot of things which makes life extremely sour. What are you holding unto? What experience is making you wish you never existed? Let it go! You are burdened because you are holding unto a lot of sour experiences. Let it go because life can get better.


 Why security men are kept at the entrance of the house. The rightful route to a house is through a gate, any other route is a crime. Security guards are normally positioned at the entrance of places, it's quite obvious why. They may be positioned at the entrance  but they are bound to patrol the whole place to ensure the safety of the people who dwell there. The heart holds the life of man, if it stops beating, it's the end. We accept Jesus Christ into our hearts because it's the door to our spiritual life. When He comes to live in our hearts, He would supervise every aspect of our life if you permit Him to. Security guards can't be  fully  trusted but Jesus Christ can, so invite him in. 


 There's nothing new under the sun. Since Shakespearean era till date books have been written so I ask, are they writing new things or modifying the old? Are you copying people's style of living or always comparing your style of living with others? Are you living for others or yourself? Write your own story, how about that? Be creative! Authors may write centering on one topic but their style would differ and that's creativity. It's one world but different people so write your own story.


I've come far, you've also come far, how many people helped you along the way? How many things have you attained for yourself so far? How many things has God done for you so far? Forgetfulness has lead many people down the path of ingratitude. People are not obliged to help you, they choose to, neither are you obliged to work hard for your own wellbeing, nor is God obliged to give you life; it's grace and love. Learn to show gratitude always, even for the slightest things you receive from people, the efforts you make and the miracles God blesses you with. 


Actions speak better than words, so does lateness. People are late for various reasons; waking up late, unpreparedness for the next day, unavailability of vehicles to convey, etc.  There may be other reasons known to you. One thing about being late is that you tend to lose your temper easily since you won't arrive on time at your destination. You tend to blame others easily as you can't see your own faults. Being on time helps you relax and also speaks well of you. If you are fond of being late, you need to point out the reason why and then find a solution. Wake up early, be quick as you get ready and always prepare for the next day.


Back in school, you could compare your assignments with others in order to correct your mistakes. Those assignments had wrong answers and correct  answers but when it comes to life; don't make room for comparison. We all compare our lives with others, we compare our outfits, religion attitudes, lifestyle, looks, occupations,  intelligence, etc it's normal since we aren't equal, in one way or another one would be better than another. If the comparison you make with others makes you look down upon yourself, then you need to quit doing that; if it discourages you from trying your best, it's very harmful. Comparison should rather encourage you to do better, you know you can't be like that rich man you fancy but you can make yourself proud; that's suppose to be the benefit of comparison. Don't compare any aspect of your life with others, just don't.