Have you ever read something on Google and doubted it? Google seems to have an answer to every question because day in and day out, people feed it with things. How many times do you ask google questions? Are the answers always helpful? Do you find positive and negative answers? Google holds the answer to many questions but when it comes  to it's reliability, it's between you and the answers you find there. One book you can also google for answers is the bible, it holds power and is reliable. It can keep you pure(Psalm 119:9,11). It blesses you(Luke 11:28). It makes you wise (Matthew 7:24). It gives light and understanding (Psalm 119:130). It also helps you grow spiritually(1 Peter 2:2). Google is a large platform but the bible is even bigger, it holds an account of the beginning of earth to it's end. It holds the keys to the mysterious of this world and you can trust it. If anything concerning God baffles you, google through the bible and you are sure to come across helpful and reliable words of God.


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