John 15:1-17
Jesus is the Trur Vine
God is the Husbandman
We are the branches
When branch abides in the Vine, it bears fruits and the husbandman prunes and purges it often. Whoever abides in Jesus Christ is taken care of by the Father.
Relating it to a tree, branches derive nourishment from trees however the moment they fall off, they wither and die. Branches which bears fruits are resourceful because that is their purpose. Branches that are fruitless are cut down because they are not resourceful.
Once saved, you need to share your light with others; that is a branch bearing fruit. Verse 2 of John 15 states, "Every branch in me that bearers not fruit He taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit."
As you bear fruits, God quips you to produce even more.
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