

 A whole year is passing away, how was it? Were you able to fulfill the resolutions you made last year ? Were you able to achieve your goals? Are you proud of how far you have come? Every new year calls for new resolutions but I ask, how about the old ones? Can you build upon them? Or do you prefer forgetting the ones you couldn't achieve. When the bible talks about born-agains becoming new creations, it's about the spiritual man being washed of sin. A new creation would still have the old body but it is possible to change the attitude of the old body. So maybe you don't need to discard the old resolutions, you can build upon it to make it better. A new  resolution can also be a build up of the old one but this time, with a different attitude which would aide in it's achievement.


Aren't kings exalted? How about people in higher positions? What of the rich in society? A king needs his people in order to be king. Those in higher places need to work their way to the top. The rich also need to work hard to attain such status. It is stated in Colossians 1:18," He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent." Why should Jesus Christ be preeminent? He conquered death, He won our hearts by His love and sacrifice. He gives us new strength everyday and He is everything to us. So I ask, doesn't Jesus Christ deserve a higher place in your heart?


  Sometimes I wish the world had a different ending. I wish there wasn't another life after death, I wish life was very simple and not complicated as it is. But obviously the facts of this world won't change because of my wishes so let's face the facts; you can get carried away by life's pleasures. Everything this world provides is enticing but let's face it, they won't last long so why get enslaved by them? Own things but don't get owned, control things but don't get controlled. None of the things of this world is worth your life so don't get carried away by them. 


We reason before we take certain actions. You may ask, is it necessary for me to take the action? It could be yes or no. Reasons are the guidelines for taking actions. Why do we celebrate Christmas? Why is the birth of one baby celebrated across the globe? Well, the reason for the baby's birth is the cause of our celebration. Jesus Christ was gifted to us as a sign of hope for humanity, His reason for coming to this world is to save us all. The reason for the coming of Jesus Christ to earth is worth celebrating, we are not happy that He had to be subjected to torture; far from  that. We are happy that we have hope of having an eternity with the creator of the world. Because of His birth we can be assured that someday all our misery would come to an end. As you celebrate Christmas, meditate on the reason why there is Christmas.  Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.


There are times when everyone seems too busy to notice anything. The routines of everyone is wake up, get ready for work, return from work and repeat the same routine. There seems to be less room for any other thing but that shouldn't be the case. Working for income is important but there should be enough room for other things, squeezing time for other things like God and  family, friends is unhealthy. If it is important as you say it is, then it should be part of your busy schedule. If you can organize your time well then you are bound to have enough time for all the important things; not forgetting your God. 


 "Let's hope for the best". Doctors normally give this statements to their patients when their best is not enough. Doctors would do all they can to save a patient but sometimes, they don't succeed and when that happens; they hold unto hope. Why hope? So they do believe that some things are above them. With hope, we can rely on God. Knowing very well that He can do anything. God shouldn't be the last option, he should be the first. With hope, we know that all can be well in this world that was created by God.


It's either you build a house or rent one. If you decide to build one, it all boils down to your available resources. Can you stay in a house without roofing sheets? Certainly not a good idea but you can move in when it is completed. Two thousand years ago Jesus Christ said He was going to prepare a place for us and when It is ready, He would come for us. He still hasn't come right? Ever bothered to wonder why? God knew how the world would be today and yet He sacrificed His son. I know one thing for a fact, He is going to come when the time is due. It was started in Revelations the signs of the coming of the Lord, from the current happenings,  I think Jesus has finished preparing the place for us; He is only giving us extra time to turn to Him.