We reason before we take certain actions. You may ask, is it necessary for me to take the action? It could be yes or no. Reasons are the guidelines for taking actions. Why do we celebrate Christmas? Why is the birth of one baby celebrated across the globe? Well, the reason for the baby's birth is the cause of our celebration. Jesus Christ was gifted to us as a sign of hope for humanity, His reason for coming to this world is to save us all. The reason for the coming of Jesus Christ to earth is worth celebrating, we are not happy that He had to be subjected to torture; far from  that. We are happy that we have hope of having an eternity with the creator of the world. Because of His birth we can be assured that someday all our misery would come to an end. As you celebrate Christmas, meditate on the reason why there is Christmas.  Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.


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