
One man's meat is another man's poison. In seeking for solutions, we mostly compare our problems to other people. I felt dizzy and decided to sleep and  I felt better after a while. You might also feel dizzy and decide to sleep because of me; knowing very well that it's hunger that is causing your dizziness. Obviously, your situation would get worst. One thing you need to note is that there's no formula for living, what might work for me may not work for you; it's quite the norm. You don't always have to follow the crowd, find your own solution; you know what's best for you.
How much time do you have? Don't you have a lot of things to do? How long has the list gotten since you started making plans? How we wish to complete all our tasks and yet we postpone things everyday. I know for a fact that there is no need to rush in life but you can't always postpone things. It's not easy to get things done; but if you would start today, you could finish someday. Quit postponing things that can be done today.
I would like to make things clear. Humans were made in the image of God, right?  When you wish to see a king, doesn't he attend to one person at a time? Pastors also attend to one person at a time, right? God sees us all and hears us all at the same time, how does he do that? And what amazes me is that he gives us our daily needs without mixing them up. He's everywhere but no where and to top it up; he sees what's in our heart and mind. What other prove do you need? He's the only genuine friend you could ever have because he knows everything.
Are you a fun of war movies? I sure am. What I've noticed is that one bullet can kill a minor character but it would take bullets and stabs to kill a main character. Aren't they all human? The main character plays a lead role so he would only be killed after he has fulfilled his purpose. In your life, you are the main character so you must act as such. Don't die each time you face trouble, people are looking up to you like the main character you are; so keep fighting.
When a seed is planted, the future holds its glory. We plant because we want to reap but what if the tree never bears fruits? It could be cut down and  replaced. What if it serves as a source of shade during sunny days?Then I guess we could allow it to stand. If a tree doesn't bear fruit and doesn't provide shade or shelter for animals, it's purposeless. Man is born to grow, fulfill a purpose and enjoy the glory but if man ends up like a purposeless tree then what do you think would happen to man?
We all want what's best for us. In everyone's dream there's absolute happiness and pure joy but in reality, we all know what's going on. Sometimes we wish to have what other people have because it looks like that's what's making them happy. It's good to live a good life, it's good to have all you ever need,at your disposal. Well, don't stop trying, don't stop working towards that dream, if it fails; find another way round it. Above all be focused and pray .
Everything has a cost. Nothing is free under this sun. You would have to pay for what you want; in kind or cash. There are quite some things that we get for free but believe me,you paid for it without knowing. There's one thing that I know has been paid for; our lives. God has paid for our freedom from sin and that is by far the most expensive price ever paid  years ago and in some years to come. If you ever think, you are not worth anything; know that someone paid the highest price just so  you could be free.