

 Deliberately live a holy life 1 Timothy 6:1-12 Are you deliberately walking in steps with God? Are you living a holy life? We all talk about God looking at our heart so we don't bother about the outer look. God does not care about bodily works since He sees us through Jesus Christ.  Do you know that God sees the heart? The heart is the genuine house of the body.God sees our true intentions which means you cannot lie to God. God considering your heart and not your actions means nothing is hidden from Him. Your deliberate evil acts are seen by God and would He not allow you to suffer the consequences?  But if you deliberately walk in steps with God, He would bless you and protect you from harm. He would watch over you like a man would watch over a precious jewl.  PRAYER- LORD, please help me as I deliberately live for you. Help me focus on the right things. Amen


 Jesus Anoined By a Sinful Woman Like 7:36-50 A sinful woman sought God. Note; she was a sinner but she knew that she needed God in her life, when she heard Jesus was dinning in the house of a Pharisee, she went there with an alabaster box of ointment . Upon arrival, she washed Jesus feet with her tears, wiped them with her hair and kissed them, then she anointed them. Her tears represents her broken spirit which needed healing. Her hair represents her crown which she laid at the feet of Jesus Christ The alabaster box of oil represents her sacrifice.  Note: She gave her all when she met her saviour, would you?


 COLOSSIANS 1:15-20 Christ is the visible likeness of the invincible God. He is the first born son, superior to all created things. Through Jesus Christ  everything was made; the seen and the unseen things, including spiritual powers, Lords, rulers and authorities.   Jedis Christ existed before all things and in union with Him all things have their proper place. Jesus Christ is the head of His body which is the church,  His is also the source of the body's life.  He was be the first in everything. It was God's decision  that the son would have in Himself the full nature of God. Through Christ the whole universe was reconciled with God, He made peace through His son's blood.  Through the reconciliation,  we are no longer enemies  of God but friends and we can dwell in God's  presence as holy, pure and faultless beings.  As a child of God, continue to leave in faith, and serve God. 


  Why do you give? What do you have to give? Money, my time, an advise, my attention,  etc.. An x-ray sees through the skin and projects the bones. God sees through our acts and knows our heart and thoughts.  Can anything be hidden from God? If you give out of pity, God knows, if it is out of compassion, He knows as well and when it is out of spite; certainly He is aware.  You shouldn't give out of compulsion, it wouldn't please God. He sees the sincerity in every act not because it is valuable or a lot, but because it comes from the heart. God loves a cheerful giver, there's also more blessing in giving than receiving.  Be a generous and cheerful giver.


 Notes from Ephesians 1:3-10 First of all, God blessed us with all the spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. He chose us before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.  Thanks to Jesus Christ we were adopted by God according to the good pleasure of His will. We have been accepted in the beloved to the praise of the glory of His grace.  According to this same grace, the blood has availed our redemption and forgiveness of our sins. He has abounded wisdom and prudence and also made known unto us the mysteries of His will, according to His good pleasure.  He has purposed in himself that when the world comes to an end, He might gather together all things in Christ, the living on earth and in heaven.  Amen.