When you walk to the edge of a cliff; it's either you jump over it or you walk back to the very beginning of your journey. This is how suicide takes place. When some people make it to the edge of the cliff in their lives; the options are to start life again or give up by jumping. Some of them don't have the energy to start, whiles others don't believe that going back can be any better. One thing they never know is that after the jump, there's a new beginning of regret. A world where they can't do anything better for themselves; a world with no more cliffs to jump. If you are still standing at the edge of the cliff, keep one thing in mind; when you jump, it's not the end. It's only the beginning of torture.
In the courtroom, you ain't guilty until proven so. One thing required to prove someone's innocence is evidence. With this same evidence another can be convicted. You can be convicted for the things you say and do against the laws of a country. Based on the sins you commit, someone can use that as a ground to work against you. Sins open windows through which spiritual attacks can prevail but you won't know because you can't see it. Sometimes, things won't go well not because you ain't trying your best; but because you've opened many windows. One thing is a fact in our not so normal world, if you open windows to evil spirits they would make your life miserable.
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