As a child you are guided by the elderly, as you grow up, you learn to guide yourself and when you are aged; you get to enjoy the fruits of your labour. One thing about life is that when you don't lead a fruitful life in your youthful age, you tend to live with the regrets in your old age. As a child, you are told what to do, sometimes you refuse it and get hurt but you get to bounce back and start afresh. The youthful stage of life requires a lot, you need to build a life as you learn from your mistakes, but if you don't make much out of that stage, then your  old age becomes miserable. In your old age, you should be enjoying the fruits of your labour but you end up mourning the bad life you lived because you didn't pay attention to your responsibilities. Living is a responsibility which should be fulfilled well.


  1. Thanks dear. This is a work up call , may the lord impact you with more wisdom

    1. Amen. May He also grant you a good heart and ears for his word.

  2. Thanks dear. This is a work up call , may the lord impact you with more wisdom

  3. Sandy we appreciate the daily quotes and motivation. Bless You 🙏

    1. Amen. I also appreciate your daily reads and support. May God bless you also.


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