Inspiration from Colossians 3:1
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Amen
What does every good parent desire for his child? The best! They want you to make it in life, living your best in joy and peace, and fulfilling your dreams.
If an imperfect man can desire this, then how much more God who is perfect in all His ways. Note this, God doesn't just want the best for you, He knows what is the best for you. You see, parents can make mistakes and push towards the wrong career but God! That maker of all things, the all-knowing, the one who founded the earth and heavens with wisdom and understand can never make a mistake.
He is, was, and will be! You can experience God for yourself and know that He is good, better, best. The key is to seek Him.
You dont need to pay for consultation, you don't need to be from a royal family, you don't need to be a saint, you just have to seek Him. Be real with God, be open, don't hide anything from Him and believe me; you would be saved.
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