Inspiration from Psalm 37:7 Be patient and wait for the LORD to act; don't be worried about those who prosper or those who succeed in their evil plans. Psalm 62:5 depend on God alone; I put my hope in Him.Psalm 40:1.I waited patiently for the LORD'S help; then he listened to me and heard my cry.Lamentations 3:26.So it is best for us to wait in patience; to wait for Him to save us.Why do we wait? We wait in order to get what we want or need. In every action you take, you need to wait for the results. But how long should you wait? As long as it would take for you to get what you want or; neeD. When you pay for an order you wait for the product or services; when they delay, you can take back your money and try elsewhere. But that is not the case with God.God does not operate within 24hours or 365days. He is not time bound, remember He existed before creation and now He exists out oF time, space and matter. That is why you can't see Him.When you pray to God, you need to wait patiently for Him to give you a reply. And the period of waiting has to be fruitful. You need to keep praying, asking God for directions and guidance so that you do the right things.When you wait patiently upon the LORD, He would surely give you the best of your request.>Peace be unto you.


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