Inspiration From Roman 4:13 -25 God's Promise is Received through faith Romans 4:21 "He was absolutely sure that God would be able to do what He had promised." Amen Abraham was a hundred years old when God promised to make him the father of many nations. Old age comes with a lot of complications and limits. A hundred years is a lot of years to become weak, physically Abraham was weak but God who causes dry bones to come back to life; could make anything possible.How was Abraham and Sarah to become parents of many nations when they had no children? Were they going to adopt or was God going to create children for them? Abraham did not look at his wrinkled body nor that of his wife, he was absolutely sure that God would be able to do what He had promised. Abraham's faith was counted as righteousness and so can be yours. We are descendants of father Abraham and as such God's promise to him can be fulfilled in our lives.Has God not being sustaining life on earth, has He been dethroned, has any power challenged Him? If God has not told you that He has given up on you then don't give room for doubt.The bible still has power and every good word God uttered shall fulfill its purpose, for what God has said shall surely come to pass.Have faitH


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