Inspiration from Psalm 19:7 "The law of the LORD is perfect, it gives new strength. The commands of the LORD are trustworthy giving wisdom to those who lack it. The laws of the LORD are right, and those who obey them are happy. The commands of the LORD are just and give understanding to the mind. Psalm 93:5 Your laws are eternal, LORD and your temple is Holy indeed, forever and ever.In all He does He is faithful and just; all his commands are dependable. Psalm 119 : 98-100 Your commandments is with me all the time and makes me wiser than my enemies.I understand more than all my teachers because I meditate on your instructions." I have avoided all evil conduct, because I want to obey your word.The law of the LORD Throughout the bible, the LORD Almighty gave laws to His children. I ask, was it to be authoritative overthem? Do you think some of the laws were too harsh? Are the laws applicable today? Are you obeying them? Why do you think God gives laws?The bible texts for today have some keywords which describes the law and the benefits of obeying them. A law is basically a set of rules and regulations meant to guide a person. Why do you think men need to be guided? You see, we all have desires, what I desire might contradict yours and since we live in the same environment, it would lead to disagreements. So imagine a world where we all did what we wanted, not tolerating each other; that would be chaotic.The law is perfect, right, eternal, dependable. God is not a man to make mistakes, He makes perfect laws which are always right. The commandments given to Moses have been in use till date, unlike our constitutions which needs revision from time to time.The law is eternal, generations upon generations would come to meet this law and have to abide by it. Lastly, it is dependable and trustworthy. It is from the ancient of days, you can trust them.The law gives wisdom , understanding happiness. Imagine a world without a map, how would people travel? No guide nor directions is a dangerous situation to find yourself in. The law gives wisdom and understanding, these are the very words of God, He gave Solomon wisdom and people came from far and near to witness it. The laws of God can make you happy. It certainly can, laws are restrictions but not denials. This is a world created by God and if you want to survive in it, I plead that you read the laws of God. You would be surprised to find the kind of laws which can make life easier for you.


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