Can anyone make it to heaven? Yes! How is that possible? Our righteous is not enough to carry us there that is why God sacrificed His son to avail grace.
Who can enjoy grace? Everyone! Isn't it obvious that we are all enjoying grace? Air, water and land makes up the world! Where do unbelievers dwell? This same earth? Who created it all? God! Who has control over it all? God! If the grace of God was limited to only Christians, God would have wiped the rest off the surface of the world.
So you see, you don't have an excuse to worship any other god but the Almighty Yaweh. If in our sins, He showed great love and care; imagine how you would be treated when you turn your life to Him.
Now more than ever you can get to know God, He is the most talked about topic in the world. It is easy to get to know God, call unto Him and He shall answer you and direct your path. Don't just rely on what people have said about Him, get to know Him by reading His world, praying and building a relationship with Him.
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