In the courtroom, you ain't guilty until proven so. One thing required to prove someone's innocence is evidence. With this same evidence another can be convicted. You can be convicted for the things you say and do against the laws of a country. Based on the sins you commit, someone can use that as a ground to work against you. Sins open windows through which spiritual attacks can prevail but you won't know because you can't see it. Sometimes, things won't go well not because you ain't trying your best; but because you've opened many windows. One thing is a fact in our not so normal world, if you open windows to evil spirits they would make your life miserable.
There is a lot to be grateful for than complained about. Believe me, there is a lot to be grateful for than complained about. We all have life, I can breath and you can breath, you wake up and you can walk, but who are you going to complain to when you don't wake up? What if you woke up and saw your body lying there, What would you have done? So you see, there is a lot to be grateful for. As long as you have life, as long as you can breath, as long as you can eat, as long as you can walk; there is so much to be grateful for. If you can recall the things that has happened in your life, the things that could have led you to your death, the mistakes that have led others to their deaths; and today you are still alive, there certainly is a lot to be grateful for. If you could take count of the things that has happened to you, you would realise that God has been good to you. My name is Sandymiracle and I hope you have a lot to be grateful for. Th...
I love how African mothers worship God. They just give Him the attributes He deserves for you to know that there is a God capable of lots of things that is beyond our understanding. I love how they call Him 'Twereduap)n', you can rely on Him. I love how they call him 'Kokromoti are y3san ho b) p) are 3ny3 yie'. I love how they call Him 'Nyansabuakwa Nyankop)n ara )hunu 3kyirekyire adea )y3 no 3nne3' I love how they call Him dependable God, 'Ay3bida Nyankop)n', if He did it before He would surely do it again. If He is alive, we are alive, and there is nothing our God can not do. What God can not do, does not exist. They said He is a capable God, they said He is all-knowing, they said He is Yaweh, Jehovah, Elohim, Almighty, Omnipresent, Omnipotent. He is the God, the I Am that I Am. Nothing compares to Him.
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