There are seasons for everything. In my opinion, there are pre seasons and post seasons. 

The raining season in Ghana is evident in June and  July however features of the rainy season would be seen in May; that is pre rainy season. The rainy season is characterised by humid atmosphere. 

November to March is the high season month. It  characterised by little to no rain. The pre high season is October, the fog is visible early morning along side dry wind.

Man lives a seasonal life, childhood, adulthood and old age. Within these these are pre and post seasons. The pre is the sowing period, your life is a fertilised soil, whatever you sow grows in season and you reap post season. When you fail to plant or make preparations for the due season, you would suffer the consequences such as delay, missing opportunities, making wrong moves, etc.

Make good use of your time, every season has opportunities allocated to it


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