
Showing posts from August, 2023


Roughly 99% of people look forward to Friday each week.An average person has a busy week with little time to spare. The world has not slowed down and it surely wouldn't for anyone, day in and day out expenses are increasing and getting expensive. Money is the language you need to speak if you want to survive. Why wait for Friday? Friday begins the weekend, a sign of heave for the stressed and depressed. The weekend is a get away from daily routines; a temporary solution to problems piled up. So what happens over the weekend? Fun! Hangouts, parties, clubbing, etc. How is your weekend? I understand that we need to release stress, life is lived once and should be lived well. Does your weekend activities pose harm to your body or spirit? Note, you are a spirit living in a house, if you do not maintain the house, you would be forced to evacuate. Just because we only live once doesn't mean we should waste it, don't just look forward to Friday to inflict harm on your body and spir...


A LETTER FROM PAUL TO PHILEMON Phiĺemon 1:1 Onesimus was once a slave to Phiĺemon. He fled! He was in bondage, discomforted with no hope of freedom; He fled which was a crime however, it was either that or he stayed a slave presumably forever.If you enslaved to anything of this world? Flee for your freedom and find refuge in God. God guided Onesimus to come into contact with Paul who introduced Christ to him. Now a born again, Paul asked him to return to his master who had also converted to Christianity.I for one would not have returned! Who knows what trauma Onesimus must have gone through as a slave and who knows the heart of PHILEMON? Had he genuinely accepted Jesus Christ as his LORD personal saviour? Was he going to see his slave as his brother in Christ? I trust Paul's judgement, if he was convinced that PHILEMON was a born again and was not going to harm Onesimus then it was right he sent him back.To the glory of God, a former slave was to be welcomed as a brother in Ch...


EXODUS 3: 1-12 MOSES AND THE BURNING BUSH It is good to be at the right place. Moses went to the backside of the desert to feed the flock. Unknown to him, the LORD awaited. To the surprise of Moses, he saw a burning bush which was not consumed. He drew near and LORD spoke, "draw not nigh hither; put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is Hloy ground." He panicked and fell to his feet, God enlightened him on his purpose, Moses was fortunate to be told of his purpose. Everyone has a purpose, it is one thing to be aware of it anc another thing to fulfill it. A man asked me to add these points to my daily prayers: LORD, please guide me LORD, please show me my purpose and align my path to it.Amen If God has your back, you can never miss your path or your purpose. You might not seem like the ideal person to fulfill the purpose but God knows the right person for each task, trust Him.
GENESIS 18: 1-15 The Three Visitor she LORD appeared unto Abraham. After reading, kindly note these;He was at the right place. He was sensitive. He was generous,He was favoured in the sight of the visitors He had faith. Abraham was sensitive enough to know who they were, (3 in number) he offered them water to wash their feet, a place of rest and food. After the feast, the LORD prophesied the birth of Isaac, Sarah doubted it, shouldn't that have angered the LORD? Doubt hinders the fulfilment of prophecies. Abraham believed in the LORD, presumably his faith was strong enough to receive the word from the LORD. Note this, the three visitors were on their way to visit Sodom and Gomorah, to destroy them; for their sins had angered the LORD. On His way to destroy a city. He blessed one who had found favour in His sight. Mind you, Lot and his family lived in the same city destined for doom. What was to become of Abraham's nephew? He had settled in a wrong place, was he to be spare...


God is a covenant God. He directs you, you follow suit and you enjoy the benefits of the covenant. God made a covenant with Abraham( His named was changed from Abram to Abraham) and included his seed after him. Abraham served God and caused a whole generation to be blessed as well.What are you doing for your generation? What covenant have you made for your generation? Who have you made a covenant with? Have you fulfilled your covenants? What is a covenant? A covenant is a bond established between two entities with conditions attached to it. The conditions which must be followed is what makes the covenant genuine. When one of the partakers does not fulfill his side of the condition, the said person faces consequences.Be under the covenant of God for your generation and fulfill your conditions.An example of a covenant is a tithe. Malachi 3:10 "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, If I ...


A life without the Holy Spirit can be frustrating.


our world today, is characterised with competition on the internet. We have created this perfect world on the internet, with a standard so high we have to do the abominable to fit in. We update our pages daily to entertain the crowd our fame has attracted. People go through pain and suffering to project their best and for them, it is worth it. The fact is that the crowd is never satisfied, they want more and more each day, they would suffocate and drian you till you dry up. This is what I see, the crowd yearn for a perfect world which they cannot have so whoever projects his or her life to the world has to satisfy their wishes.Is this act worth your life, your peace of mind or your safety?Are you happy behind the camera as well? If it is an act which has become a lifestyle then I suggest you quit and start living a true life. Live for yourself and not the internet, for they would replace you anytime.


Romans 8:1-2 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk after the flesh, but after the spirit.For the Laws of the Spirit of life Jesus Christ hath made me free from the law of sin and death."Whoever sins is condemed to death, that is the law. Sin is a signed bondage to the devil, being ignorant does not pardon you. The author of Romans sheds light on freedom whiles on earth which is ruled by the prince of darkness. Man is born into sin, our ways are also evil so how can we be free? You need to be in Jesus Christ! And how can you be in Him? you need to repent of your sins, accept Him and ask Him to be the Lord of your life.Once that is stablished, Jesus Christ adds you to His family. The benefits of being a member of the family is that He takes charge of your life, guides and defends you from attacks. The body has desires, are you suppose to fulfill it all the time? Do you know that the spirit in you also has desires? You can satisfy it...