Phiĺemon 1:1
Onesimus was once a slave to Phiĺemon. He fled! He was in bondage, discomforted with no hope of freedom; He fled which was a crime however, it was either that or he stayed a slave presumably forever.If you enslaved to anything of this world? Flee for your freedom and find refuge in God. God guided Onesimus to come into contact with Paul who introduced Christ to him. Now a born again, Paul asked him to return to his master who had also converted to Christianity.I for one would not have returned! Who knows what trauma Onesimus must have gone through as a slave and who knows the heart of PHILEMON? Had he genuinely accepted Jesus Christ as his LORD personal saviour? Was he going to see his slave as his brother in Christ? I trust Paul's judgement, if he was convinced that PHILEMON was a born again and was not going to harm Onesimus then it was right he sent him back.To the glory of God, a former slave was to be welcomed as a brother in Christ.You do not need to stay enslaved to your sins, flee and find refuge in the Most High. He would welcome you, purify you and fill you with the Holy Spirit and perfect you. Hallelujah!
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