Study 2 Kings 7:1 and submit a summary, giving the points and include your lessons.
2 Kings 7:1 is a prophesy given by Elisha to the King and the people of Israel. Right after the word was given one of the Lords in the King's Palace voiced his doubts. Elisha then gave an prophesy that the doubter would witness it happen all right, however he would not live to enjoy it. Four lepers who were at the point of death decided to go to the Syrian camp and seek for food, God made their footsteps sound like warriors so the Syrians fled. Upon arrival the lepers found the camp empty and informed the king. Once again the Lord doubted it so the king had to send a few men to check, after the confirmation, the same Lord was assigned at the gate to keep the people in check however they trod upon him and he died.
The prophesy given was fulfilled.
I would explain the bible texts under four topics.
Prophesy is the first topic. The LORD gave a word to Elisha for the Israelites as they experienced scarcity and hunger. I believe prophesies are hope, the present may not look encouraging so the Lord gives you a peek of the future which is beautiful. I would have overjoyed at the sound of that for it meant God was still on their side.
Doubt is the second topic for discussion. I have realised that doubt weakens prophesies and kills hope. It is not advisable to voice doubts or even tolerate it, if the Lord had just kept his opinion to himself he would have lived to enjoy the prophesy.
‘Action’ they say speaks better than words. Prophesies are navigated with actions, Had the prophesy being left at the mercy of the Israelites’ it would not have come to pass. The four lepers who were starving decided to die trying to find food than die doing nothing. In their quest they found abundance of food and even shared it the rest of Israelites’.
‘Fulfilment’ draws the curtains on the bible texts. The prophesy came to past and indeed the Lord who doubted did not live to enjoy.
Lesson learnt- Be mindful of your words, doubting kills hope and devoid you of a lot of things. Prophesies are a peek into the future but an action or step has to be taken to activate it.
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