

 Romans 8: 31-34 What, then shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all- who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died, more than that, who was raised to life  is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. In my opinion God's love is unconditional. I can't seem to understand it. His love is genuine. How can He create a being in His image, provided his needs knowing very well that in the end he would turn away from Him. He took a risk He was aware of the outcome. I guess the day I would understand Him, He would cease to be God.  God did not withhold His only Begotten son from us and His son also did not refuse to die for our salvation. It is an even wonderful experience when  He is present in your life. Serve God, deliberately establish a relationship wi...


 John 15:1-17 J esus is the Trur Vine G od is the Husbandman We are the branches When branch abides in the Vine, it bears fruits and the husbandman prunes and purges it often. Whoever abides in Jesus Christ is taken care of by the Father. Relating it to a tree, branches derive nourishment from trees however the moment they fall off, they wither and die. Branches which bears fruits are resourceful because that is their purpose. Branches that are fruitless are cut down because they are not resourceful.  Once saved, you need to share your light with others; that is a branch bearing fruit. Verse 2 of John 15 states, "Every branch in me that bearers not fruit He taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit." As you bear fruits, God quips you to produce even more.  Amen


  W e all have different levels of understanding, do you agree? What may sink in easily for you may not sink in at all with others. What you make out of what you read, may be completely different from others however we all have a tissue in our skull called a brain.  "The bible is like any other story book". This is the opinion of those who lack understanding. They see it as a recount of dead people whose stories made a difference however in my opinion you need more than a reading ability to appreciate the bible.   The bible contains words of God. The creator of the world. John 1:1 says, " In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God." How can such "Word" which existed before matter, space and time not carry power? How can a "Word" which was with God, the all powerful, not carry power? Everything that comes into contact with God carried power and how can a "Word" that is God, not carry power?  The "W...
Recently my sister drew my attention to a habit she had unconsciously developed. It turns out she brings leftovers of food she eats outside. She usually presumes her kids would have at least enjoyed it with her if they were around, She has the money to buy some for her kids but she just feels guilty consuming them alone. It turns out she is not the only one with that mindset, many parents have testified to this. Relating it to the turn of events across the globe, I wonder how God feels, is He concerned? Why isn't He doing anything about it? Isn't He compassionate? God has a motherly instinct so He feels our pain and sacrificing His only Begotten son attests to it I hate to bust your bubble however God is not responsible for what is ongoing in the world. We are! Most people are selfish, greedy, heartless, cruel, unjust, Merciless, unkind, people are turning inhuman and  I believe the world would end at some point. When it does, I hope you would end up in the place of heave.


 If you had the chance to change anything in the past what would it be? Maybe correct a mistake, enjoy life, take things easy, think things through before making decisions, etc.  If I had the chance to change anything in the past I would ignore the past and pay attention to the present and future. The past is dead and gone, there is no need to bother about it. If I want a better future I need to focus on the present. If I wasn't making good decisions in the past, I'll do better now. Experience should aid in navigating your future, you shouldn't take things for granted; every past is a lesson for the future however if you are not proud of it; change your ways.  


D o you enjoy being praised? What would be your reaction after being praised? The joy of being praised is that it makes you feel appreciated and encourages you  to keep up the good work. The only thing God cannot do is to praise Himself so why wouldn’t you do that for Him? Literally He has provided a conducive environment which takes care of itself for your survival and the only thing you have the power to do is praise Him. When your praises go up, His glory comes down. When He feels appreciated He also does more for us, Give God Praise.


There are seasons for everything. In my opinion, there are pre seasons and post seasons.  The raining season in Ghana is evident in June and  July however features of the rainy season would be seen in May; that is pre rainy season. The rainy season is characterised by humid atmosphere.  November to March is the high season month. It  characterised by little to no rain. The pre high season is October, the fog is visible early morning along side dry wind. Man lives a seasonal life, childhood, adulthood and old age. Within these these are pre and post seasons. The pre is the sowing period, your life is a fertilised soil, whatever you sow grows in season and you reap post season. When you fail to plant or make preparations for the due season, you would suffer the consequences such as delay, missing opportunities, making wrong moves, etc. Make good use of your time, every season has opportunities allocated to it